Carolina Eagles Track Club
News & Highlights
NC High School Indoor Track and Field Honor Roll ….. ranked, 2nd year Eagle, Jayvonna Brown #2 in the 300m (42.9 s) and #2 in the 500m (1:20.05 s)
Register for The 2006′ Season Now!!
National Elite Youth Rankings highlight several Eagles for their best performance in 2005. The following athletes were ranked in the top 100 in the United States.
4th Chrishawn Williams LJ Youth Girls
5th Danielle Davis 80MH Midget Girls
13th 4×100 Bantam Boys
15th Chrishawn Williams TJ Youth Girls
17th Danielle Davis LJ Midget Girls
18th Cameron Lewis 400M Sub-bantam Boys
18th Shakira Worsely 3000M Midget Girls
24th Kari Watson Javelin Sub-bantam Girls
25th Cameron Lewis LJ Sub-bantam Boys
30th Taja Gardner-Rand TJ Youth Girls
31st 4×100 Youth Girls
38th 4×800 Midget Girls
45th Cameron Lewis 100m Sub-bantam Boys
52nd Taja Gardner-Rand LJ Youth Girls
58th Jayvonna Brown 400m Young Women
74th Maraye Slatter 400m Youth Girls
94th Chrishawn Williams 200m Youth Girls
99th Carnell Lewis 400m Bantam Boys
Numerous other athletes were ranked as well.
You Don’t Have to Run Fast
You Don’t Have to Jump High
You Don’t Have to Throw Far
Just Try!!!

Obstacles are meant to be conquered
2006 Registration….

is fast approaching. Registration packages will be available no later thanJanuary 16th. There are some minor changes to the registration process therefore it will be critical to register your child(ren) on or before the first day of practice, April 3rd. (registration package)

to the Carolina Eagles Track Club to kick off the 2006 fund-raising season. With a lot of planning and hard work Denise Frazier, team mother, successfully organized a fund-raising drive at the Harrison Ave. location. The team raised just over $1000.

Thanks to the management staff at SAM’s Club and the generous residents of Cary of NC for helping us come one step closer to our fund-raising goal.